St John’s Soup Kitchen costs approximately £3500 each month. There are a number of ways that you can support the work of the Soup Kitchen.

Justgiving - St John’s Soup Kitchen and Food Bank

Our Justgiving page allows you to donate financially towards all aspects of our soup kitchen work. This includes food, but also the other associated costs, such as paying our lovely cleaner, administration costs and utility bills.


If you would like you money to just go towards food, please consider using our Bankuet page. Money donated here goes further, as Bankuet are able to use bulk purchasing. And they deliver the food weekly to our doors.

Donating Food

We accept donations of all non-perishable goods (you can find a list of the things we often need on the food bank page). Please only bring donations to church when volunteers are there to receive them. Please don’t leave donations outside our doors as they might not be taken inside straight away.

Sundays 11am – 2pm
Tuesdays 5pm – 8pm

Donating Clothing

We accept certain clothing items: For example; T-shirts, Jumpers/hoodies, Jackets. We do have limited space so please, if you would like to donate clothing, we ask that you bring small amounts at a time.

Please email for more information.